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User id: velgean37

My wife and I as a team started listing the stamps and slowly built up the business which gave me an income better than the last salary I received in the Government!

I retired from Government service 9 years ago. The sudden stoppage of the fixed and sizable income on my retirement put a big question mark on my future. The meager pension was not adequate when I had a college going son to take care of. I tried working at another organization for a pittance of a salary. By this time my wife inherited a large stamp collection from my father-in-law after his death. The collection was lying around. Then we took notice of Bazzee.com the precursor of eBay India. My wife and I as a team started listing the stamps and slowly built up the business which gave me an income better than the last salary I received in the Government!

How long have you been using the eBay Site and what do you use it for?
I am a member since April 2002 and I sell philatelic items (Postage stamps for collection) and other artifacts of interest to general collectors.

What is the most unique item you have bought or sold on eBay? Which purchase/sale has made you very happy?
As a stamp seller, every item I sell in eBay is unique. Every sale and every purchase makes me happy. A sale in eBay cannot be compared with the sale in a shop over the counter which is lifeless. In eBay there is that element of thrill and surprise when a bid is received and a sale concluded. When bids increase and the sale value rises your happiness also increases in a crescendo!

Who is your favorite eBay seller/buyer and why?
Any buyer who honours his bid and concludes the sale by payment makes us happy. However there are special buyers like Mr.David Chang, Mr.Joe Kiran, Dr.Saji Kumar,Mr.Suman Sinha, Mr.Sivakumar.H., and Mr.Suprio Banerjee who are repeat customers and the list is never ending. I cannot single out any one event as the best experience. eBay is the source of my livelihood and I am happy.

What is your motivation for spending time on the Community boards?
eBay in general and community board in particular, is the meeting place of gentlemen from all over India and sometimes even from abroad. These people are highly knowledgeable and I have learnt a lot from the views of others.

As you mainly use eBay to sell items, do you have a certain strategy that helps you to sell the items that you really want to sell?
Certainly! It is a very simple strategy – HONESTY. I never want my buyers in tears! I redress all grievances as far as possible. If I have an all positive rating of 100% it is this simple 100% workable strategy of Gandhiji's dictum – the customer is always right!
Technically, the strategy is to describe the item you sell correctly. The plus and minus points of the item you sell should be described perfectly. If the customer is not satisfied a prompt refund will settle all disputes without any heartburn.

What tips would you give to people out there who are selling or buying their items on the eBay Site?
Sellers - Never sell a "duplicate" item as genuine. In case if you have to, mention so in the description column. "Duplicates" also have their value, but say that!
Buyers - look at the credentials of the sellers while bidding on expensive items. Also, encourage new sellers even if they have low ratings at least for low value items. Not all new comers are dishonest. There is a black sheep here and there which you can identify by experience.

Do you think your feedback rating on the eBay Site has improved your reputation as a buyer or a seller?
I will say CERTAINLY ! a hundred times! In fact FEEDBACKS are the backbone of all online auction sites. I value the feedback more than payments ! It is the solid rock on which your reputation is built which in the long run will bring more business for any seller worth his name!

What eBay feature or service would you say has been the most helpful to you and why?
The free Turbo Lister is a bonanza for all sellers so that they can organize a large number of listings at ease.

If you mainly use eBay to sell items, have you ever bought anything on eBay?
I am mainly a seller. But I do buy now and then from eBay.

What advice would you give others about using the Community boards?
It is the "vox populi" of eBay buyers and sellers to express their views, suggest ideas for improvement etc. The community board elates the seller to a higher level – an individual of knowledge and understanding. Without the community board eBay will be a damp squib!

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