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Sales Reports
eBay's Sales Reports are a unique way to maximise your business. Sales reports help you track your sales performance and get a better view of your selling activity and fees.

Benefits of Sales Reports Benefits of Sales Reports Plus
  • Total sales
  • Successful listings
  • Average sale price
  • Total eBay fees
  • Sales by category
  • Sales by selling format (Online Auction, Fixed Price, Shop Inventory, etc.)
  • Sales by ending time, ending day, and listing duration
  • Unpaid Item activity
  • Detailed summary of eBay fees and credits

To Subscribe for Sales Reports

  • Go to My eBay by clicking the My eBay button at the top of any eBay page. You may be asked to sign in.

  • In the left-hand navigation, click the "Manage Subscriptions" link to see a list of your subscriptions.
  • Click the "Subscribe" link for Sales Reports Plus.

Subscribe to Sales Reports Now!

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