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Benefits of opening an eBay Shop

Bigger Profits & Savings
Sellers, on an average, see a 25% increase in sales the three months after opening an eBay Shop.
Save Time
Stock your Shop with Shop Inventory listings that last for longer durations - 30 days, Good 'Til Cancelled!
Credibility and Polish
A professional-looking Shop gives you credibility as an online retailer - and makes shopping easier for your buyers.
Customise Your Shop
Build your brand on eBay. You control the look and feel of your Shop. Plus, create up to 20 custom categories within your Shop to merchandise your listings effectively.
Get Your Own Web Address
Receive your very own URL so you can drive buyers, both online and offline eBay, directly to your Shop.
Cross-promote Your Shop Inventory
With an easy-to-use Cross-Promotion tool, all Shop sellers can decide which items they would like to cross-promote to their buyers.
More Promotion
eBay promotes shops extensively on the site such as eBay's Main Search and Listings pages. You can even use Auctions and Fixed Priced listings to drive buyers to your Shop.
Phone Support Service
All Featured and Premium Shop Subscribers with a minimum subscription period of two months will get access to Phone Support Facility. The eligible member will automatically receive an e-mail mentioning all details of the service.