Click on the Community link available on the top of all eBay pages |
Click on the "Create an About Me Page" link at the bottom of the page |
On the about me page click on the "Create your Page" button. |
Complete the following three steps to create your About Me Page. |
Step 1: Choose Page Creation Option |
- Select Create a step by step process or
- Enter your own HTML code depending on how you wish to enter the details on your page
Step 2: Enter Page Content
Fill the form with all the information you would like to add to your "About Me Page".
Page Title:
Enter a title for your page in this box. E.g.: Adventures with Antiques, Sunil's Books and Comics, etc.
Enter details you would like to have in your About Me page here. You can divide it into two paragraphs.
Insert pictures that you would like to share with your eBay users. You can also insert your own picture if you wish.
A. Give your picture a label.
Show your eBay Activity:
This section allows you to include links to your live listings and recent feedback received. Choose from Last 10 / 25 / 50 / 100 Comments / Listings you wish to show on your About Me page.
Add Links:
Add the name and the web address in the text box provided.
Step 3: Preview and Submit
Fill the form with all the information you would like to add to your "About Me Page".
You are almost done.
- Choose a layout for your page
- Preview the page and click on submit
Make sure to read the About Me Page policy before you add links to any website in your About Me Page.