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eBay Shops Listing Overview

Items listed in Shop Inventory format appear only in your Shop and in shop search. Shop inventory listings are a good way of listing items for 30 and Good 'Til Cancelled duration so you don’t have to relist the item again. When you list an item using Good 'Til Cancelled duration, the listing will automatically renew every 30 days until it is sold out or you end it, saving you precious time!

To list an item in your eBay store select the Shop Inventory format type while creating the listing.

Stock up your eBay Shop with all your listings. Shop Inventory listings appear in your Shop alongside your Auction and Fixed Price listings. All your regular listings in the Auction and Fixed price format along with your Shop inventory format listings will appear in your shop.

Note: Your shop inventory format listings will not appear in the Regular Search and Browse listings unless there is limited inventory within that category.