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Welcome! is now eBay India, part of the global eBay marketplace. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our users of eBay India.

Over the past few months, we realize we have made many changes to the Baazee site which have impacted your trading activity. We appreciate your patient support and feedback through this process, and we are happy to say that with the launch of eBay India, the migration project is now complete.

All Baazee users are now part of eBay. This means that you can use your Baazee user id and password to buy and sell across any of the eBay sites around the world. This offers a tremendous opportunity for all our users to trade globally. Our users will also get the benefit of the significant investment eBay has made in providing a stable, safe and fun platform for users to interact and trade with each other.

We understand that many of our regular users will need more information to be fully comfortable with the new site. We have created onsite content that will help you to:

  1. Know More About eBay
  2. Learn the key differences between Baazee and eBay
  3. Understand how to create listings on eBay

Feel free to contact us should you have any queries regarding eBay India.

Important Information for Baazee Users:


  • All live bids at the time of migration from Baazee to eBay have been carried forward to the new site


  • All listings live at the time of migration from Baazee to eBay have been extended by 2 days. All loaded listings scheduled to go live during the time of migration were made live 24 hours after the original start time.
  • All live bids have been carried forward to the new site
  • For Multiple Quantity Buy It Now Listings, only the unsold quantities have been carried forward to the new site

Special Fee Promotions for Sellers:

We are happy to announce special fee promotions for our sellers on eBay India, where sellers can get up to 50 % off on select Listing Upgrade Fees. The details are given below:

Time Feature Normal Price Promotional Price
Site launch -11:59:59, Apr 30 Home Page featured Rs. 150.00 Rs. 75.00 (50% off)
Site launch -11:59:59, Apr 30 Featured Plus Rs. 75.00 Rs. 37.50 (50% off)
Site launch -11:59:59, Aug 14 Subtitle Rs. 2.00 Free
Site launch - 11:59:59, Jun 14 Additional Pictures Rs. 2.00 each additional picture Rs. 1.00 each additional picture
Site launch - 11:59:59, Jun 14 Anchor Stores Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 (50% off)
Site launch -11:59:59, May 14 Schedule Listing Rs. 0.50 Free

Please visit the Announcement Board for more details of these promotions.

Warm Regards,
The eBay India Team