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  Time Zone Calculator

To find out the difference between your local time and eBay offical time , please refer to the table below:

  Difference with eBay Time in hours (PST) Difference with eBay Time in hours(PDT) Difference with Greenwich Mean Time in hours (GMT)
US/CA Pacific +00 +00 -08
US/CA Central +02 +02 -06
US/CA Eastern +03 +03 -05
Hong Kong +16 +15 +08
Australia (Sydney) +19 +18 +11
Austria +09 +08 +01
France +09 +08 +01
Germany +09 +08 +01
Great Britain +08 +07 +00
Italy +09 +08 +01
Japan +17 +16 +09
Sweden +09 +08 +01
Denmark +09 +08 +01
Spain +09 +08 +01
Switzerland +09 +08 +01
Netherlands +09 +08 +01
Norway +09 +08 +01
Finland +10 +09 +02
China +16 +15 +08

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