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  Managing Risks
eBay seeks to minimize trading risk and create a safe trading environment regardless of geographic distance and differences.

To manage risk...

Buyers should:
  • Review the seller's feedback prior to bidding on or buying an item.
  • Avoid placing a bid or buying from a seller that seems suspicious or use an escrow service (if available).
Sellers should:
  • Require payment receipt before shipping an item.
  • Use the escrow service if both the seller and the buyer are uncomfortable with the risk exposure.
What You need to know Back to top
In addition to the many measures that eBay takes to create a safe trading environment, there are two useful services that can help you further manage risk.

Escrow services: An escrow service is a neutral, trusted, third party who acts as an intermediary in a trade in exchange for a fee. The escrow passes payment to the seller and the items to the buyer only if the items and the payment meet expectations. Learn more about how escrow services work.

Dispute resolution services: If a transaction is not completed according to the agreement on the item page, it is critical that buyers and sellers communicate via email to understand the basis of the disagreement. Buyers and sellers should attempt to resolve the issue and complete the transaction. However, if this approach is not successful, dispute resolution services are available. For a fee, these services will help you to resolve the issue. Learn more about dispute resolution services.