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It is important to familiarise yourself with eBay's listing policies before posting an item. You'll have a safe and fun selling experience knowing that your listing complies with community standards and guidelines

Keyword Spamming

Keyword spamming is the practice of including brand names or other inappropriate "keywords" in a title or description for the purpose of gaining attention or diverting users to a listing. Keyword spamming is unfair to members who may be searching for a specific item and receive search results of listings that are not selling the item. Users often are confused and frustrated by such tactics.

What is the policy?
All words used to describe an item, whether in the title or description of the View Item page or any other way that may be found using Search, must be strictly related to the item being sold and adhere to the below guidelines. In addition, items contained in a listing as bonuses or gifts may not be described in the title.

Examples on Keyword spamming
  • Make comparisons between items in a listing title. For example, the title "Gold Rolex at a Swatch price" is not permitted on eBay because it makes a comparison between the item you are offering, a Rolex watch, to a Swatch watch
  • Misleading titles- If a bidder can't tell what items you are offering from the title of the listing, the title is misleading and is not permitted on eBay
  • Use of conditional bonuses, free gifts and other items that do not significantly affect the value of the item for sale in the title.
  • Including brand names or company logos in your listings other than the specific brand name used by the company that manufactured or produced the item you are listing
Violations of this policy may result in one or more actions, including
  • Listing cancellation
  • Limits on account privileges
  • Account suspension
  • Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
  • Loss of PowerSeller status
Learn more about Keyword spamming.

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