A whole new version of eBay Toolbar is here! eBay Toolbar is a free tool that gives you quick, easy access to eBay from your desktop. It’s great for users who want to stay on top of all their eBay activities. You can use eBay Toolbar to search for items or just to get back to various areas of eBay with 1 click. Plus, eBay Toolbar allows you to see the top items you’re interested in buying or are selling. Best of all, the Account Guard features helps protect your eBay and PayPal passwords. Click here to take the eBay Toolbar tour.

What You Get
- Simple (yet powerful) Search
Whether you want to do a simple title search or a more extensive title and description search within a particular category, eBay Toolbar lets you do it with a single click.
- Account Guard
Account Guard helps you protect your eBay and PayPal account information. Account Guard warns you when you are on a potentially fraudulent (spoof) Web site. It also lets you report such sites to eBay.
- Alerts
Get reminders right on your desktop of listings that are about to end You will get desktop alerts for items you're watching, bidding, items you didn't win, and items you've received Second Chance Offers.
- Buying Status
Track items you're watching, those you've bid on, those you've won, and those you didn't win--all in one place.
- Selling Status
Selling Status lets you manage the items you have scheduled and sold, along with the items you are selling, and those that you didn't sell, so that you can maximize your selling efficiency.
- eBay Favorites
eBay Favorites allows you to run your favorite searches or view your favorite sellers and store items with a single click.
- Customization
Customize eBay Toolbar to suit your needs. Select the buttons you want to see and in the order you want to see them.
- More Buttons
Jump to eBay Announcements, the Community hub or PayPal with just one click.
System Requirements
Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5, and 6.0.
Operating Systems
Windows 98
Windows 98SE
Windows ME
Windows NT SP3+
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Other Versions of eBay Toolbar
eBay Toolbar is also available for the following countries and languages:
eBay Toolbar powered by AtHoc

Copyright © 2004 eBay Inc. and AtHoc, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
Account Guard's spoof detection is made possible through technology from Whole Security