eBay.in believes that the spirit of community is one of the key reasons which has propelled eBay to where eBay is currently at. In India too, some of eBay.in registered sellers have shown great sense of community spirit and bonding. These sellers have time and again stepped in to help many users – in understanding the www.eBay.in site, to propagate safe buying and trading, increasing business and for many other reasons.

During the course of last year, fourteen numbers of eBay.in registered-sellers* have been recognized for their outstanding contribution to the community. Now eBay.in would like its community members to vote and select the three (3) best community member-sellers and nominate them as "Community Champions 2006".

eBay.in will than sponsor the following internship programs for these 3 nominated user-sellers so that they can share with and educate other users the best practices they will learn from these programs.

For the Community Champion with the highest vote - Participation in eBay Live 2006 in Las Vegas, USA
For the Community Champion with the second highest votes - Internship program with one of the Top eBay sellers in South East Asia
The Community Champion with the third highest votes - Internship program to one of the Trade Attract Events in South East Asia

Participation in Internship Programs includes round trip coach class air transportation from the major Indian airport closest to the Community Champion’s home, standard hotel accommodation, transfers to/from airport and hotel only. For the Community Champion traveling to eBay Live program, 1 (one) ticket for eBay Live will also be provided. All tickets given are subject to the terms and conditions stated on ticket. The member traveling for the internship has to have a valid passport, health permissions and also has to obtain the necessary travel visa for traveling.

All our confirmed registered users from India, who have registered before the 30th of March, 2006 are eligible to vote. All votes from users registered after this date will be considered null and void. Also, for users with multiple id's, only 1 vote will be counted. The voting begins at 12:00:00 AM Indian Standard Time (IST) on April 28, 2006 and ends on 23:59:59 IST on May 7, 2006 (the "Voting Period"). The results will be declared on or before May 10, 2006.

* Only users whose ID was not in suspended state as of the 24th of April 2006 and who had indulged in any selling activity in Q1'06 (January-March) have been nominated for the Community Champions.

So, go ahead and vote for your favourite eBay.in community member so that they can further enhance your eBay.in experience!

Enter your eBay User ID: (You need to be a confirmed registered user prior to March 30, 2006 for your vote to be considered)

Choose one seller below for whom you would like to vote for:

Terms and Conditions:

 I accept the above terms & conditions