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I Know eBay Contest
Best About Me Wins!
Last to Post Wins
About Me
page is your little corner on eBay where you can share your products and passions with your online friends and visitors.
About Me
pages are also very search-engine friendly. They ensure that your products get that extra visibility by coming up in natural search results.
A great
About Me
page can help you WIN some cool and exciting prizes! (
31st August 20th September
eBay User ID:
Terms and Conditions
"About Me Contest” TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. These Terms & Conditions are being entered into between eBay International AG (eBay International AG & its affiliates, holding & subsidiary companies shall collectively be known as “eBay”) & all participants who enter the About Me Contest shall be bound by the following terms and conditions (hereinafter the “Contest”) on ("Site"). 2. The Contest is scheduled to start on 23rd of August 2005. The rules determining the Contest are as under: 3. Rules of the Contest The Contest shall comprise two components, the first being the Judge's Choice Award (hereinafter the Judge's Choice), and the second being the Viewer's Choice Award (hereinafter the Viewer's Choice) Judge's Choice In order to compete for the Judge's Choice, the user will need to create his 'About Me' page (hereinafter the “ME page”) on, and post it on the 'Participate in the Best About Me page Contest here' thread (hereinafter the “thread”) created on Community Forum. The winner shall be the owner of the ME page. The Judge's Choice shall be held in batches. The date range for each batch is as follows: Start Date / End Date 31th August 2005 / 6th September 2005 7th September 2005 / 13th September 2005 The panel of Judges shall choose from all the ME pages participating in the contest in the periods stated above, and award the 'Judge's Choice' to one participating ME page every week. The Judge's Choice shall be declared on the respective End Date of the batch i.e., 5th September or 12th September, as the case may be. In addition to the above, on 13th of September, the Judges panel will also be declaring 100 Consolation Prize winners. The Judge panel shall comprise of members from a third party service provider, whose decision shall be final and binding and eBay bears no responsibility or liability for the same. The criteria for selecting Judge's Choice shall be: • Look and feel of the About Me Page • Relevance of the content in the About Me Page • Size of the About Me Page The ME page that receives 'Judge's Choice' once shall not be eligible to participate for the same award for remaining part of the contest. The participants shall be allowed to make changes in their ME page anytime during the time periods specified above for the Contest. However for the purpose of Judge's Choice award, the ME pages available for viewing between 12 to 12:30 PM on the End Date shall be considered. Viewer's Choice Viewer's choice award will give an opportunity for users to vote for their favorite ME page. The Winner for the same will be the owner of the ME page that receives maximum votes as well as one poster who voted for the winning ME page. In order to compete for the Viewer's Choice, the users will have to post their favourite ME page along with the reason for casting votes in favour of the ME page on the thread 'Vote for your favourite ME page' (hereinafter the “Viewer's choice thread”). Votes shall be made in form of post on the Viewer's Choice thread. All such posts shall need to contain a link to the poster's favorite ME page and the reason for the same. A post that does not have the reason and the link to the ME page, will not be considered for the purpose of the Contest. The ME page that receives the maximum votes will be declared the winner for Viewer's Choice. In case of a tie between two ME pages, the Judge panel will decide the winner based on the reason provided by the poster for the ME page. All users will be eligible to participate in the Viewer's Choice. Only one vote from one user will be considered as their final vote. In case of multiple votes, the first vote only shall be considered for the purposes of Viewers Choice Award. To decide the winners of the Viewer's Choice, only all votes received up to 13th September 2005, 4 pm shall be considered. The prizes for the Judge's Choice, and Viewer's Choice Awards will be: Digital Camera (3 numbers) The prizes for the Judge's Choice – Consolation prizes will be: eBay branded bag (100 numbers) 4. The winner will be intimated by email at the email address provided at the time of registration and also announced on the discussion boards. 5. The winner must acknowledge receipt of email and also provide eBay with its postal address and contact details within (7) seven working days of the dispatch of the said email intimation. In the event of a failure to do so, it shall be the sole discretion of eBay to award the prize or not. 6. The prizes will be sent via courier to the winner by eBay at the address provided by the winner. 7. The prizes are non-transferable and non-encashable. Any government levies/taxes like Sales Tax, TDS, Road Tax, Airport Tax, any Local Tax etc. arising out of the same will be borne by the winner and the prize will be delivered to the winner only after the winner pays the applicable taxes, if any. 8. The prize- winner releases eBay of any liability arising out of any acts or omissions arising out of or related to the Contest or contract. 9. eBay reserves the right at anytime, without previous notice, to add, alter, modify, change or vary all or any of these Terms and Conditions or to replace, wholly or in part, this Contest by another Contest, whether similar to this Contest or not, or to withdraw it altogether. 10. All decisions by eBay regarding the selection of winners shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this connection. 11. All personal details submitted on the Site must be accurate. Any incorrect or incomplete information found in the entry will result in disqualification from entering the draw. 12. The employees and the immediate family members of the employees of eBay and its associate companies shall not be eligible to participate in the Contest. 13. This promotion is open for only residents of India. However, residents of the State of Tamil Nadu shall not be entitled to participate in the said promotion. 14. Any disputes arising out of this Contest shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts in Mumbai irrespective of whether Courts in other areas have concurrent or similar Jurisdiction.
I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions above