Important New Features for Sellers
As Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India had said – one of our top priorities is to ensure that we can serve the need of our sellers better. Many of you have often told us about new buyers who do not pay and create unnecessary work for you. Based on your feedback, we are introducing some changes that will help us improve your selling experience on eBay for all your 'Buy It Now' listings.

Starting July 2007, all Buy It Now items shipped to domestic locations will have a fast and simple buying flow.
See how the buying flow has changed. Take the Buying on eBay Tutorial
Shopping Cart Preview

How this improves your life
Reduce UPI with Immediate Payment Required feature:
Going forward, all your 'Buy it Now' listings that are offering PaisaPay as the only mode of payment, will close only after the buyer has paid via PaisaPay. This will ensure that you have no UPI for the above set of listings.
More Accurate Sales data:
Your listings will close only once the buyer completes a PaisaPay payment or chooses an offline mode of payment. So, you will get a more accurate sales data. Initially after the change, your sales may appear lower than current because it's recorded at a later point in the buying flow. However, combined with the reduction in unpaid items, you will realise that your sales are better than before!
Repeat Buying due to Shopping Cart:
To help your buyers buy more from you we are also introducing the Shopping cart functionality. This feature will be available to all Buy It Now items that offer PaisaPay and domestic shipping.

Note: Only buyers registered on the India site can using their Shopping Carts. Buyers who are registered on an international eBay site (eg. eBay US or eBay UK) and who purchase items from the eBay India site will continue to buy using the existing flow.


Below is a quick peek at how buyers can buy using the shopping cart.

1. Accessing Your Shopping Cart

Click the "My Shopping Cart" link at the top of the eBay homepage.

2. Adding Items to Your Cart

If an item has a Buy It Now price and PaisaPay, you can add it to your cart using the Add to Shopping Cart button.

Note: When you add items to your cart, remember that other buyers can purchase them because the items will be yours as soon as you complete the payment.

3. Buying from Your Shopping Cart

Items in your cart are grouped according to the seller. To buy from a seller, click the Continue button below the seller's items.
Provide shipping details and click the Confirm Order button.

You can buy items in your cart only with PaisaPay (credit card / online bank transfer). Provide your payment details and click the Pay button.

Buying on eBay Tutorial To learn in detail about your Shopping Cart, take the

Buying on eBay Tutorial